The Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) hosted the 51st Annual Scientific Meeting, in Brighton from 18-20 July 2023. The theme was Informed and inclusive primary care.
Maham Zaman and Marjorie Lima do Vale travelled to Brighton where they shared some preliminary findings of the BELONG project with primary care academics, clinicians, educators and health services researchers.
Maham presented the abstract named "A concept mapping approach to assess factors influencing the delivery of community-based salon interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease and breast cancer among ethnically diverse women in South London". You can find the link to Maham's abstract here: https://sapc.ac.uk/conference/2023/abstract/concept-mapping-approach-assess-factors-influencing-delivery-of-community
Marjorie presented the "The BEauty and health community LOuNGes (BELONG) study: overview and preliminary findings" abstract. You can find the link to Marjorie's abstract here:
See you soon with more news!