Take Part in Our Study
The BELONG project was created by researchers at King's College London working with hair and beauty businesses and healthcare experts in England. BELONG stands for 'BEauty and health community LOuNGes.'
We're checking if local salons can be a helpful way for women in South and West London to access resources and services for preventing heart disease, like the NHS health check. We'd love to know what you think about getting information on preventing heart disease at salons. We are looking for participants who fulfill the following criteria:
Female participants aged 18 and older who are not pregnant or breastfeeding
Able to communicate in English
Have access to a mobile phone with internet
All participants will be entered into a prize draw to win 1 of 4 vouchers (20£). 
If you think you fit our study criteria, follow the link below to complete the screening questionnaire and access the questionnaire. It should take about 20 min to complete.
You can download the information sheet and consent form for this project for more details.